
Feb. 22, 2022

From Anxiety To Awakening- LEADERS WITH A MISSION - Patty Fuenzalida

Patty Fuenzalida is a woman with a mission to free people from anxiety. She helps people awaken to their full potential in mind, body, and spirit. A Hypnotherapist / Reiki Master, Quantum Energy work healer, breathwork instru...

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Jan. 19, 2022

El Impacto del Liderazgo Positivo - LEADERS WITH A MISSION - Karim Ra…

El Impacto del Liderazgo Positivo Karim Raymond es una conferencista bilingüe, autora, cofundadora de una organización de mujeres de negocios y una formadora de líderes! Como parte de su misión, habla en todo el mundo tanto e...

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Jan. 11, 2022

The Secret To Interior Design Success - LEADERS WITH A MISSION - Kati…

Katie Gutierrez is a force of creativity, wisdom, and leadership. She is an interior designer with a unique perspective on creating spaces that prioritize self-expression. But wait there's MORE.. she is also an INTERIOR DESIG...

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Jan. 4, 2022

El Aroma Del Éxito - LEADERS WITH A MISSION - Marita Astete

El Aroma Del Éxito Marita Astete es una mujer emprendedora con visión de progreso. Ella es una mujer soñadora que a diario vence sus miedos para crear una vida con propósito. Creadora de Aromas del Peru * una cadena de rest...

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Dec. 16, 2021

Empowering Women To Grow! - Leaders With A Mission - Luly B.

Luly B. is a believer that everyone was born with a responsibility to share their gifts, talents, and abilities with this world, she empowers women and business owners to share their gifts so they experience joy. She is a fam...

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Dec. 7, 2021

Business Growth From Industry Leader In Property Management - Leaders…

Rafael Aquino is driven by service and a deep appreciation of Human Capital. As the Co-Founder and CEO of Affinity Management Services, Rafael leads his team to redefine excellence. Serving community associations efficiently ...

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Nov. 25, 2021


Today I have someone that is going to take your breath away, her name is Betsy Guerra. Dr. Betsy Guerra is a leader with a mission to bring hope to those grieving. After going through the most excruciating pain imaginable to...

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Nov. 8, 2021

The Art Of Reinvention - Leaders With A Mission

Erika Obando Is an active International TEDx Speaker, Author, and Transformational Mentor, she guides individuals through the journey of changing the narrative of their own stories by teaching them how to “reconnect” with the...

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Oct. 28, 2021

From A Lawyer To A Spiritual Leader - Leaders With A Mission

From A Lawyer To A Spiritual Leader featuring Monica Reyes Leaders with a mission is back! In this new season, we explore the many facets of leadership and how they can be applied to your personal journey. We had the pleasure...

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June 19, 2020

Leaders With A Mission - Home Edition - Stimulus package for business…

We are back with John Yeager CPA. a lot has changed since our last conversation, rules and other requirements have been adjusted for the different programs available. John will be giving us an update on the different programs...

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May 1, 2020

Leaders With A Mission - Home Edition - Business opportunities that c…

What Business opportunities rises in times of crisis?

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April 16, 2020

Leaders With A Mission - Home Edition - Don't make this mistake when …

We are all going through a period of loss, its frustrating and confusing but let us shed some light on what mistakes we should not do when you lose your job

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April 16, 2020

Leaders With A Mission - Home Edition - All your questions about COVI…

Understanding Corona Virus: All your questions about COVID-19 answered by an immunologist and a friend, Dr. Michael Forman.

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April 3, 2020

Leaders With A Mission - Home Edition - SBA loans & Florida Loans for…

We are talking John Yeager a senior CPA -specializing on wealth creation. He is one of the few accountants that is submitting SBA loan applications for clients. and has already secured funds. He will give us a lot of great in...

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April 1, 2020

Leaders With A Mission - Home Edition - Turn your PAIN into HOPE.

Talking with a leader Psychologist with a powerful story that can provide great perspective and tools to deal with our current times.

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April 1, 2020

Leaders With A Mission - Home Edition - Consejos financieros para tie…

Hoy Hablaremos una experta en finanzas - Ithamar Urdaneta. que nos compartira su historia de perderlo todo con una deuda de 1Millon de dolares. Como lo pago todo y ahora ayuda a otras personas a salir de sus deudas. Te invit...

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March 27, 2020

Leaders With A Mission - Home Edition: What is the next level for kee…

We wil talk with Bio Hazard expert Manny Pozo and leader in making sure that there is proper decontamination and sanitation. We will talk about how this business is supporting the community in this times. we will talk about h...

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March 25, 2020

Leaders With A Mission - Home Edition: Diabetes and Coronavirus!

This program is specifically for those that are type 2 diabetics or are pre-diabetics and are facing these Coronavirus times. Also if you are a functional medicine doctor looking for practical tools to connect with patients, ...

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Dec. 3, 2019

Alexandra Kontos: Helping people get access to affordable healthcare

Leaders With A Mission is ready to feature a beautiful superwoman! her name is Alexandra Brzostowicki Kontos Her story is one of courage, and personal leadership to rebuild and step away from others definition of success to b...

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Dec. 2, 2019

Patricia Tracey: Helping the Community Achieve the Homeownership Dream

Patricia Tracey is a Change-maker. She is the heart and Co-founder of R.E.A.C.H - a non- profit organisation that gives low income and moderate families tools and education to own their first home via Grants and Government Fu...

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Nov. 29, 2019

Abbie Samuel: A Beauty Boss on Fear of Judgement, Family, and Empower…

If you are a beauty professional looking for a leader and mentor that can help you grow your business while making people feel beautiful and with a growing rocking your bank account - then this week's Leaders With a Mission i...

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Nov. 28, 2019

Creating Beauty And Inner Peace Via Home Design - Jaime Blomquist - L…

Creating Beauty And Inner Peace Via Home Design - Jaime Blomquist - Leaders With a Mission In this episode, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Jaime to discuss topics such as leadership, entrepreneurship, self-discover...

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Nov. 27, 2019

Patricia Ferreira: On rediscovering your inner divine boss lady.

If you are a woman in search of true success, this Leaders With a Mission is for you! We will be talking with a source of inspiration, love, and pure empowerment, her name is Patricia Ferreira, and she will share with us he...

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Nov. 26, 2019

Manny Pozo: Serving the community through Disaster Remediation Servic…

Manny is an amazing human with a heart of gold that is helping people move on when disaster strikes, from helping people that have become victims after a #hurricane, a #fire, #mold, #RoofLeaks, and #waterrestoration. I invit...

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